No, that is not me dressed up in a clown costume handling a big, giant star balloon. But I will soon have my own balloon handling picture to post on here because my friend Janalee and I are going to be official balloon handlers in Provo's Freedom Festival 4th of July Parade. It's kind of a big deal and I am kind of excited about it. Or really excited actually. And no, I will not be wearing a clown outfit. Dang it.
What balloon will you be handling and who do you know to be able to get the chance to do it?
Does it take just two of you to control the balloon? (If so, you might fly away with it!)
There are tons of volunteer opportunities for the freedom festival and anyone can sign up. We signed up specifically to be balloon handlers because that was the coolest thing. There are about 150 balloon handlers with 30-50 holding each huge balloon. Or so the email they sent the volunteers says - I'll know more after the parade on Saturday! And we don't know which balloon we'll be holding until we show up to get trained Saturday morning, bright and early!
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