She has a name! And she's home! Mark called while everyone else was at the family ward [and I was home alone enjoying the silence :) ] wanting me to bring some clothes and a blanket for the baby. So I quickly grabbed some things and headed out the door. Too bad I was so excited about seeing Emily again that I forgot that I would most likely have to head to my ward straight from the hospital... so I was a little late to church, but it was SO worth it! Anyway, back to my story. I got there and headed up the elevator - all the while with a HUGE grin on my face. The other people on the elevator looked at me funny, but I'm use to that :) When I got to their room, I quickly grabbed Emily from Mark and didn't give her back for a good hour or so. Rach, Mark and I had fun chatting, I got to help pick out her middle name (k, so really I just agreed with what they had chosen, but that's helping right?), and I told them all about what had been happening at home with Shelly and Jason and the other million and two people in the house (Seriously, there's a TON of us here. It's crazy!). When we were all ready to head home, Emily decided to make a huge mess in her diaper. So Emily has had her first bath, in the sink in the hospital room. She screamed the entire time. After quieting her down, we were again ready to go and so we did. Rach had to be rolled out in a wheelchair while Mark brought the car around and I became the photographer of the "leaving the hospital" experience. It was great fun! Now mother and daughter are both home safe and sound. And everyone rejoices!
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