Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Off to my next adventure

I've finally decided what I'm doing once I graduate. I'm moving back home. I made the decision a little over a week ago, but have been fighting it ever since which is why I haven't announced it to most people. I love it here in Cedar. It has been my home, my safe haven, my life for 5 years now and to leave breaks my heart. I have been praying to know if the feelings of not wanting to leave are God's way of telling me to stay in Cedar. During Conference I got my answer. Yes, leaving is going to be so hard and I'm not going to like it for the first little bit, but that does not mean that leaving isn't the answer. Leaving Cedar is the right move to make, though it is not the answer I wanted. There is something I need to learn on this next adventure and I guess that learning needs to happen in California.

So come visit me! I may not have adorable children, but I can be quite funny at times :)


Sabrina Gardner said...

I know it's hard to make the move when you can't see what'll happen. I was pretty adamant I would never live in Utah and fought against moving to Provo, and I cried when I got here. But a month later, I met Matt, and life got so much better for me! Who knows what's in store for you, but looking back and seeing things that had to happen a certain way have strengthened my testimony that God knows who we are and guides us. Anyway, that being said, I'm excited for you! :) I hope things go well for you. And don't worry, we can provide one of the adorable children when we come. ;)

Karrie said...

I'll come visit you!