Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Colorado Spring Snow Storm

It's a snow day today. There's about 9 inches of snow on the ground in Broomfield (10 in Boulder), and we're expected to get another 2 or so by the end of the day. Our road is deemed a "low priority residential road," which means that it doesn't get plowed until 8 inches are accumulated (yes, that means that when there's "only" 7 inches of snow, we just have to deal with it). The last time that happened was in the big storm back in October.

Most of the snow fell yesterday afternoon and evening. Yesterday it started raining around noon, and continued until 2:30 or 3:00, when it turned into a heavy snow. Between 3:00 and 5:00 (when I left the office), we got roughly 4 inches. As you can probably guess, that means that most of the commuters got caught in the worst of it. By the time I left, traffic was backed up all the way into Boulder. It was stop-and-go, bumper-to-bumper, for about 2 miles. Those 2 miles took 2 hours! What I finally discovered is that about 20 cars and 4 or 5 semis had gotten themselves stuck in the snow, strewn about over probably a half-mile of the highway. I spent the next hour literally weaving my way through all the stuck cars, with several close fits. There were a few police cars around helping guide traffic and push the stuck cars. Several times I had to stop for 5 or 10 minutes while they got a stuck car moving again in front of me. I finally got passed the minefield and got up to 20 MPH. It's good thing, too, because there are several big hills between here and Boulder. Without the extra speed, I might not have made it up some of them. I did almost got stuck on the biggest hill. I somehow got out of the track of the cars in front of me and almost didn't make it back. As I got into Broomfield, I got of the freeway several exits early to avoid the last two hills and took the longer, flatter, way around. All told, my drive home yesterday took almost 4 hours.

To top it all off, tomorrow and Friday it's supposed to be sunny and get into the 50's. Welcome to Colorado!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Oh, Dad...

Dad has been uploading pictures to Picassa and otherwise working on pictures for a few weeks now. Part of his project has been to label all the faces in the pictures - and he's gone back a few years. Apparently he's had to go back and fix a lot of his work. Lizzy is not Grace and Shelly is not Emily... He's done at least several dozen this way and probably something closer to over 100. It's been kinda funny to watch him look at the pictures, guess who he thinks it is, check the date and then find out he was way off... We have, however, finally established that Grace did not exist in 2006. It took some doing to convince him of that. It was also a bit of work to convince him that pictures with two baby girls about the same age were not Grace and Emily.

So, you'd think that after 2 weeks without the two older kids that I would have more to report. You'd be wrong. Sorry. :)