Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Terror at Meadow Park

Here is my story for the day, continue reading at your own risk.

At work this morning I needed to print a paper for the worker who was at Meadow Park to correct the new bells that ring through out the school. I pushed the print button, but nothing happened. I looked at the printer and the yellow light was blinking (not the happy green one). I figured that it was out of paper, so I opened the drawer to add more. You can only imagine my surprise and horror when I found a live, huge cockroach hanging out in the paper tray!!! I quickly shut the tray, grabbed the walkie-talkie and tried to call Peter (the custodian) to come and get it. Peter didn't answer and I was wondering how I was going to deal with the gigantic invader.

The gentleman, who was working with the new bell system, was standing there watching me the whole time (and probably laughing hysterically inside). He volunteered to get the varmint and proceeded to open the tray and pick it up with his bare hand - YUCK!!! Then he tried to throw the kicking and screaming intruder away in the garbage can under my desk. I immediately and loudly, but politely, told him that it was NOT okay to toss that living, moving thing into a trash can anywhere near my desk. I asked him to get rid of it outside. He was completely agreeable and quickly disposed of the disgusting item in a manner that made me happy.

I then tried to print again and out came paper with bits of roach guts on it - double yuck. The second printing also had traces of things. By the third printing all was once again right with the world.

I apologize that I don't have any pictures to accompany this post :-).


Mark said...

You know, I'm okay with not having pictures of roach guts on paper, no apology necessary!

Jenny Gardner said...

I second that Mark! Hilarious story though.