Monday, September 14, 2009

I have (ok, so really had) the power!

Cindy is doing a new study about blood glucose this week and next and I'm part of the study (I know, surprise, surprise huh? ;) We had our control test today and, as it turns out, about half of the participants are in my ward. My old first counselor Laura is one of the students conducting the study and she recruited a lot of people. It was fun (the having so many people I knew there part - not the getting up at 6:30am nor the whole getting my fingers poked part). I got to chat and joke around while waiting for the time to pass till the next poke. It made the time go by much faster than last time I was a part of one of Cindy's studies.

Because many people didn't show up right on time, they had to have their fingers poked close to 8am, and Cindy has a 8am class. Which meant that there was only going to be two people poking and that would have taken longer and messed with the timing of the blood test. So I got to help out and poke people!! It rocked! Though the first person I had to poke was myself, that didn't rock too much... but it was awesome to poke other people. The first person I poked jumped a little when I poked her and I had to poke her a few times because she wouldn't bleed! It was crazy! I thought it was me at first, but then she said that she had had a hard time bleeding earlier, so I felt better. The other person I poked was Sean (he's the new Mission Leader in my ward, he's cool). I had to poke him twice because he wouldn't bleed either! I don't know what's up with me and getting people that don't bleed...weird! Anyway, it was awesome to have the power of the poker and to make people bleed. I think I'm starting to understand why Cindy loves it so much...


Debbie said...

I can't believe that you like inflicting pain on others! I'm not surprised that you 'stuck' around to help out.

Matt said...

Enjoying drawing blood? Have you been reading too much Twilight...?