Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Intriguing Invitation

Hello Bishop and Sister Gardner!!

An invitation to the two of you

In appreciation for all that you do!

Can you imagine – try your best,

a party where you are simply “the guest”?

Can you imagine a party that is fun,

one where there is no cooking to be done?

Can you imagine a party that is a blast,

one where you do not have to take out the trash?

Can you imagine a party where you can leave when you please

Instead of one where getting home at 1 AM is just a tease?

Nope, I can’t imagine it either!!

If you did, you must have a rather high fever!

Stop with all those vain imaginations

It is not going to happen with this invitation!

Besides, what fun would that be?

Being “waited on” is boring wouldn’t you agree?

Please reserve the evening of October ninth, two thousand and ten,

Further instructions I will send!

Please RSVP!!

Our Response:

Hello Susan!!

Your invitation intrigued us,

but also fatigued us!

Our imagination was teased,

but also quite pleased!

We loved to say yes,

and be your guest!

Our calendar we are clearing,

because you are so endearing!

We will await, without further debate,

to learn more of our fate!

We look forward to the date,

and the food on our plate!

Our creativity is done,

and we are ready for fun!!!!

Next e-mail from Susan:

Ok, Bishop and Sister Gardner……I have not received a RSVP from you yet! I am going to assume that means you know that you have already indicated to me that you will be free that night and that you are happy to come! Please Confirm that I am correct in this thinking!!

Upon retrospect, my invitation may not have sounded so inviting….it is hard to control my teasing nature…..I promise no dishes, no cooking, and no trash!

Your “further instructions” are listed below…..assuming my assumption is correct, that you are assuming that I already have assumed that you are coming!

Have a good night,

Assumptive Susan

Further Instructions – Part A!

Please answer ALL of the following questions:

Mom's answers

Dad's answers

Dear Assumptive Susan,

Your assumptions were correct, because I assumed that you assumed that we assumed that we had already saved the assumed date! Sorry we were tardy with the RSVP, but we wanted to be as fun with our reply as you had been with your invitation - we tried, but we weren't as clever!

Here are my answers to your rather interesting & intriguing questions!


1) Are you allergic to animals? If so which ones and can it be handled by medicine?

I know of no animals to which I am allergic. But I might claim that I'm allergic to bees because I am so scared of them!

My constitution is amazing. No allergies whatsoever. I throw medicine to the wind! (oh, except my thyroid medicine, oh, and my blood pressure medicine, and, oh......)

2) What foods are you allergic to?

I'm mildly allergic to walnuts, but if the food is good enough I will endure the discomfort!

See above

3) What foods do you dislike? (Yes, I know this does not sound quite as special as making your favorite dish….but….it is easier to avoid foods you dislike then it is to make everyone’s favorite dish! Besides….based on my culinary experience I could ruin your favorite dish and scar you for life! )

I shy away from spicy foods, because I am tender of mouth - but Robert LOVES spicy. I've never had sushi, I like my food cooked - you don't need to tell Akane that :-).

Cat. dog. horse. snail. worms. That about covers it!

4) If you had the time…

A. What would you do more of?

Read, sew, create memory books, crafts, play the piano

Work -- I enjoy what I do for a living. Visit ward members. Convince every single in Orange County to join the Lake Ward.

B. Where would you go?

Walk on the beach at sunset

Crazy? Mars. Just about anywhere would be fascinating -- and would frighten and intimidate me! I hate to travel, but I love to be there.

C. What would you create?

Homemade things - scrapbooks, dress-ups, quilts, crafty projects... - for my family and friends

Chaos. Something people can use to make their lives better, but I'm good at developing, not inventing, so you tell me and I'll build it!

D. What would you study?

The scriptures, good books, people

Astronomy. Ancient Mayan civilization. Ancient scriptures. Ancient science and technology. Anything older than me is ancient -- and fascinating.

I need individual responses so do not answer as a couple!

Please send me your responses by October 1st!

Thank you!

Your hostess!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Disney's Minnie's Moonlit Madness

Katie and I went to Disneyland to have fun and then stayed to help with the Disney Employee's Minnie's Moonlit Madness. They had 350 teams of 4 people each, with at least one member being a Disney employee. The teams had to be roped together the entire evening, receiving clues and completing challenges.

They ventured all over the park with some of the challenges being: doing a May Pole, dancing to swing music, figuring out national landmarks from picutres and taking letters from the names to complete a word puzzle, running the gauntlet through Star Wars characters and then tossing stuffed Ewoks into a barrel while Darth Mall's minions tried to bat them away...

There were 35 tasks spread around the park and each team had to complete 10 of them in the 2 hours alloted them. The event went from 10 - midnight.

The volunteers met in the Carnation Plaza at 7:30 and waited there for the guests to clear out of all the lands and just be on Main Street. Then we headed to the big, open area - in between Big Thunder Mountain and the Casey Jr. train - to attend the opening meeting before the games began. The first task was to answer 50 Disney trivia questions, that were next to impossible to answer! We had to leave about half way through to head to our assigned area by Inoventions. We switched and worked by Buzz Lightyear and that is how we were able to see the Star Tours extravaganza. It was a fun night, Katie and I love Disneyland, and to be there at night, have it mostly empty and be helping with games & fun just made it more magical!!!

Katie in the Pixie Hollow.

Katie in her Utah Rocks shirt with the rocks behind her.

Debbie & Katie in front of the castle, with a flash.

Debbie & Katie in front of the castle, without a flash.

Katie trying to pull the sword out of the stone.

An empty Main Street before Minnie's Moonlit Madness.

Yoda, storm troopers, Princess Leah, etc put teams through their paces in front of Star Tours.

Lisa Pope, Katie & Terry Egan
California Adventure before they start tearing it up and changing it.

Halloween characters on top of the entrance to Disneyland.