Sunday, June 28, 2009

We bought a house!

It's official. We accepted the counter-offer, and tomorrow we sign all the papers. It will take a month to close, but by the family vacation we will be home owners! Yay us!

The house is on a corner lot (oddly, both streets are named Utica) on the edge of a housing development. It's not on a cul-de-sac, which Danielle really wanted, but it's removed from the main roads, which is a nice compromise. Down the street to the south is a large open space. Across the open space (almost a mile away) you can see the main street and the beginnings of the construction of a new WalMart. We think that they'll eventually put tress up to block the view a little, and hopefully they'll put a path so we can walk to the store.

The interior of the house is spacious, with three bedrooms and 4 bathrooms (the master, a full bath upstairs, a 1/2 bath on the main floor, and another 1/2 bath in the basement). The basement is one large room, with a small bathroom off the side, and two large crawl spaces for storage. On the main floor we have a long, narrow front room which leads to a very nice kitchen and living room. Off the living room there is a hallway leading to a bathroom, laundry room, the basement, and the garage. Upstairs there are the master, two decent sized bedrooms, a bathroom, and a loft.

We're super excited!

Friday, June 26, 2009


After Doug graduated, we went to In-n-Out where Jason decided he wanted to wear Matt and Sabrina's sunglasses.

Doesn't he look too cute!?!?

I think he's trying to tell Grandpa how to look cool. What do you think?

We are just so crazy! And that's why we rock!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

To Mars & Beyond......

For Doug's 18th birthday Rebecca Lutz made Doug a cake, a Mars cake - complete with an astronaut and a flag!

Dad got Doug a pyro-gift - a blow torch!  Doug used it to 'roast marshmallows' and melt the chocolate for s'mores.  They were a hit.

Shelly being....well, Shelly

Rach, the kids, and I were waiting for Mark to come join us at Disneyland when this interesting experience occurred. I'm still not quite sure what Shelly was thinking, but it sure was funny to watch!

I Want to Put Something.....

I am sitting in my second to last day of master's classes before I officially become Master Becca. Exciting. And since I am such a good multitasker, I am going to make a post whilst I am listening to the presentation. I of course wanted to include a picture, so I went with the most recent picture on my camera.......This is my friend Esteban who does indeed have Swine Flu. He got it while he was an EFY counselor at BYU and the piggy flu was running rampant through the EFYers. A bunch of people came over to watch a movie and at this point Esteban had had the piggy flu for over a week and he claimed he wasn't contagious. I told him he could only come if he wore a mask. He didn't wear a mask. So when he left for about 5 minutes to go pick someone up, we covered the banana chair he had been sitting on with garbage bags and made him a mask so he wouldn't spread his disease everytime he coughed. He laughed pretty hard when he came back. And wore the piggy mask through the whole movie. Actually he only put it on for the picutre and wouldn't keep it on for the movie. We let him stay anyway. Hopefully I don't end with the piggy flu myself!
The End. Maybe I'll start listening better now :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Family Blog

So, Uncle John (Dad's Bro) is visiting and was telling us about his family's blog where everyone can post to it. I thought it would be fun to try! Here's the trial run. Let me know what you think!

I'd make it a private blog (to protect the innocent :) and invite everyone as authors and we can all post at will any fun news or stories.

Any suggestions?